Sunday, June 26, 2011

Climbing the Mountain

Along the way, in this lovely journey that I am on, I have come to know that one will find every excuse in the book, not to do something that they do not want to do, and will climb mountains to do something they really want to do. It's in the excuses we use that we will find what we truly do not want to do. When we climb the mountain is where we find where our Passions lie waiting to be discovered.

by Diane Harrison

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Choosing your Passions

"Abraham Lincoln lost election after election, lost his wife, lost his money,
and on the surface appeared to be a failure most of his life until he was
elected President of the United States."

- from The Passion Test

Will you face challenges when you follow your passions? You can count on it.

But when you choose in favor of your passions, the difference is that the challenges and what others would call failures can't stop you. When they do, that's the signal it's time to get clearer about what really matters to you.

Make it a point to remember "What's Important to You".

Don't judge yourself for how you think others are judging you. Chances are you are only creating something in your mind that truly doesn't exist.


Sunday, June 5, 2011

Women are truly Remarkable

author uknown

Women have strengths that amaze men. They bear hardships
and they carry burdens, but they hold happiness, love and joy.
They smile when they want to scream.
They sing when they want to cry.
They cry when they are happy, and laugh when they are nervous.
They fight for what they believe in.
They stand up to injustice.
They don’t take “no” for an answer
when they believe there is a better solution.
They go without so their family can have.
They go to the doctor with a frightened friend.
They love unconditionally.
They cry when their children excel,
and cheer when their friends get awards.
They are happy when they hear about a birth or a wedding.
Their hearts break when a friend dies.
They grieve at the loss of a family member, yet they are strong
when they think there is no strength left.
They know that a hug and a kiss can heal a broken heart.
Women come in all shapes, sizes and colors.
They’ll drive, fly, walk, run or e-mail you to show
how much they care about you.
The heart of a woman is what makes the world keep turning.
They bring joy, hope and love. They have compassion and ideas.
They give moral support to their family and friends.
Women have vital things to say and everything to give.
However, if there is one flaw in women, it is this;

They forget their worth and how remarkable they truly are!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Falling off a bike

Mistakes (mis-take (translation: take one, take two, take three - we no longer need the experience when the lesson has been learned)) can actually build confidence, because when you rise after a fall, which you inevitably will, you have greater faith in yourself. You brush yourself and think, “Hey, that wasn’t so bad, what was I so frightened of?” You might feel a sense of delight and victory at having faced your fears and come out the other side, whether you succeeded in your initial aim or not. Sometimes the experience itself, and what you learn from it, is the real win.

If you were so scared of falling off a bike that you never got on one, you’d never learn how to ride. You’d also carry a sense of failure and regret at not attempting, and a loss at missing out in the joys of the experience. Scrapes in life can be part of your journey of growth. They can also help polish you and unleash inner strengths and gifts you did not even know were there!

When you learn to deal with stressful, uncomfortable or challenging life circumstances, and realize there can also often be a gift inherent within them – perhaps a needed change, a healing opportunity, letting go, a growth experience, or greater insight into existing beliefs, patterns, strengths and weaknesses – you grow in confidence.

Shying away from challenges doesn’t make them disappear, and avoiding your fears only shrinks your confidence, rather than expands it.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


Your worth lies not in what you do, or in who you know, but in who you are…. and who you truly are is AMAZING!

You are a being of love and light, however far you ever feel from that at any time. This is the truth of who you are! Awakening and remembering the love that you are has the power to transform your life on all levels, and will grant a new-found confidence unlike any other.

What beliefs are standing in the way of experiencing your true loving, happy, bright nature?

What types of negative comments do you hear yourself say about yourself, or feelings do you experience about yourself?

Some of these may come out of past deeds and traits you have not forgiven yourself for, which is why self-forgiveness is a valuable part of a journey to confidence. It will help you release more of any guilt, shame, or self-condemnation, which will only work against you and shroud the sunny rays of confidence.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Setting Goals

In his early years and near poverty, actor Jim Carrey wrote a note on a peice of paper, stuck it his shirt pocket, and kept it there until he no longer needed it.
The note read, "Make a million dollars."
From stories like Jim carrey's, we assume that setting goals is the first step to achieving them. We assume Jim Carrey made a million dollars because he set it as a goal and wrote it down. It's a rare self-improvement book, we suspect, that does not stress, "Set goals."
But we misunderstand goal-setting.
First, you have set goals even if you've never written them down. You want to watch what you eat, run three miles with less effort, get closer to your father. You rarely think about these "goals." But at one time, those thoughts crossed your mind, and you devoted yourself to them. You set goals and few human beings do not.
But the value of goal-setting does not come just from the goals. It comes from the thinking that went into the planning, and the knowledge that comes out. Set goals with others and you learn. You learn what others value, and that helps you make better and more informed decisions every day.
In business, the same regularly proves itself. The value of a business plan rarely comes from the goals and strategies. Those goals and strategies change so early and often that most business plans are better viewed as, "What do we plan to do until we change our minds?" That we ignore these plans does not matter. What matters is what happened as you made the plan.


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Change Your Vibrations, Change Your Life

We all have something we need to let go or get over in our lives.

For most of us, it’s difficult to lose people we care about due to fights or fall-outs. Even when people just get weeded out during natural progression, it isn’t easy on us. Thus, a good portion of us actively hold on to people that no longer serve our higher purpose, but who actually hinder our progress. The worst thing for most human beings is rejection and/or loneliness, which translates into some of us jumping through hoops, tip-toeing around certain individuals, or simply denying our very own nature. And when we do these things, sooner or later we start feeling resentful.

Not all relationships and friendships should be salvaged, because not all of them are equally important. But no matter what happened, I would always ask anyone to still accept their part in any type of “bad” parting. If you behaved in ways that were hurtful, mean or out of line, you must own up to it and apologize. Why? Because this is what grown up and healthy people do! We own our part in things and we behave with integrity, honesty and decency! Just be prepared that most people do not like confrontation and therefore prefer the passive aggressive or behind-the-back approach. This is fine, too, as long as you can at least look at yourself in the mirror, knowing that you did the right thing.

I know that it hurts to let go, but know that holding on can sometimes be more detrimental and painful than cutting the cord and walking away. So here are three things to consider when finally saying “good riddance!”

1. Values

Know what they are and stick to them! If you attempt to foster relationships with people who do not have the same values, things will go sour eventually. The good old saying “opposites attract” does not apply here at all. For example, if you value loyalty and the other one doesn’t/won’t, things will go really sour when they keep letting you down and disrespecting you.

2. Love, Empathy and Kindness

I know it should be a no-brainer, but why hang on to people who are unkind and can’t be loving towards you? We are all imperfect; we have our struggles, ups and downs and our strengths and weaknesses. Who needs people who are too self-absorbed to love anyone else and have no ability to relate to another? In order to be kind, one has to have empathy, and in order to love, one has to have the ability to relate to another and share with them. Insight into others also allows you to see how another wants to be loved! Not all of us recognize love in the same ways. While some require a lot of reassurance, others may need someone who helps them with the daily chores.

3. Self-Awareness

Someone who is absolutely clueless regarding who they are and how they come across or affect others will have absolutely no clue how to treat another; or how to be a friend, partner or lover. When someone is stuck deeply in denial about their own life, how “tuned in” do you think they will be with you? If they are not open to any criticism, how do you think they will help you grow? You’ve guessed it, by not saying a thing and looking the other way. Worst case scenario, they will say something, but not to your face. Either way, this is not a growth inspiring situation. To love and care for anther includes the ability to be open and honest with each other!

My advice is not for the faint of heart, nor for those who want to lead a miserable, or mediocre life. My advice is for those who want extraordinary lives; for those who want to be wide awake and live life to the fullest; for those who want to learn to thrive versus merely cope. There is so much to be gained when we live our lives courageously, and when we won’t take “no” for an answer. The shift that spreads across all parts of our existence can only occur when we are the catalyst. All change starts within, not without!

So if you find yourself hurt, angry, disappointed or upset over losing someone who isn’t worth the emotions or tears you invested, just know that there is no empty space in the universe; and generally, when one door closes, another one opens. Life goes on and when we change our own vibrations, we will attract those who are more in-tune with us and probably more worth-while. For those who closed the door on you, just tell yourself “good riddance!” and move on. This is the only life you have, make the best of it!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

This Friday: New Moon Magic!

This Friday: New Moon Magic!

March brings us a new Moon in Pisces, the mystical water sign of dreams and intuition. As the last sign of the zodiac, Pisces encourages us to rest and retreat before starting a new cycle. With this new Moon, we have a chance to envision our future before it happens, influencing our reality with our hopes and dreams. Maximize the power of this new Moon by setting intentions around love, work, money and more. Intentions focus our awareness and help us to get clear on what we really want out of life. The more we can get to the heart of our goals, the greater our chance for fulfillment.

The element (Air, Fire, Water, Earth) of your Sun sign can help you to enhance the energy of your intentions and give you ideas about what form they should take. Try to work with your intentions as close to the actual time of the new Moon as possible (March 4, 2011 at 12:46pm PST/3:46pm EST).

Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)
You will reap the most benefit from this new Moon if you find a way to communicate your intentions. The element of Air thrives on words, the mind and conversation. Write a list of your hopes and dreams and put it in a special place, or read aloud to yourself in the mirror, or share with a friend. The more energy you build around your spoken and written intentions, the greater power they will have at the new Moon.

Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)
Action is how you connect to your inner power, so turn your new Moon intention into a form of creative self-expression. Turn up the music and dance your intention, focus on it while you workout, turn it into an art piece, etc. As long as you bring movement and energy to the intentions you hold, they will have a greater momentum.

Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)
You are already innately in harmony with this new Moon, since it falls in the Water sign of Pisces. Water signs have the power to feel and imagine, so use this to your advantage wisely. Set aside some time to daydream and let your mind drift, allowing your intention to emerge from your deepest self. Music, nature and time spent near the water will help to inspire you even more, so try and integrate these elements into your life now as much as possible.

Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)
As the doers of the zodiac, you’ll feel the most comfortable setting your intentions in a practical way. Incorporate your new Moon dreams into your daily chores for a truly earthy magical moment. While you cook or clean, meditate on what you are hoping to manifest at this new Moon cycle. Though you may feel a little silly at first, infusing your mundane life with a little fairy dust will help you to stay inspired and alive.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Lessons from a butterfly

Lessons from a butterfly: embrace change and don't be shy!

“Change alone is eternal, perpetual, immortal.” ~ Arthur Schopenhauer

The wheel of life turns, and for a good reason, whether you know it at the time or not.

Change can always be an opening for opportunity, growth, and a better life. Trust in life's turning seasons and be open to F L O W. The universe is always on your side.

When I talk about change here, I'm not referring to erratic, inconsistent behavior or an excuse for a lack of responsibility or commitment, but about being open, flexible and fluid, and letting your life breathe, move and DANCE to allow for growth and expansion, letting go of what does not serve you, and allowing more gifts to come in.

And of course you can be proactive with change owning and harnessing the power of your choice. What changes could you make right now to better your life?

Sometimes change begins with holding a new vision, or a new attitude, or way of thinking, and with taking small steps. As I always say…

Baby steps lead to monumental change!

What changes would instantly brighten your life? Would it be more time for rest and relaxation, or more time for fun and socializing, or ceasing certain habits (physical, mental or emotional), a change in your routine, more time in nature, more time with people, or more time alone? Is a change in job, home or relationships calling you?

And what needs to change on the inside to help with these changes? Who do you need to forgive? Yourself? Another? What thoughts, feelings,beliefs and attitudes could you change that would create a better life?

Spontaneity in itself can help to lighten your life, and initiate greater flow, rather than you're a continued set or controlled way of doing things. If you're too rigid or confined with plans and expectations and how things ‘should be', it's hard for the new and unexpected to come in, or blessings and synchronicities to arrive.

We often fear change, partly because we fear the unknown and unfamiliar, or sometimes out of loyalty to people in our past, and often because we think with change will come some kind of loss.

The next truth on letting go deals with this aspect, exploring how all endings herald a new birth! :)

Sometimes we fear change because we fear greater responsibility, stepping into our power, being humiliated, rejected, being visible, or any other number of reasons.

Sometimes change is scary because it involves the breakdown of something existing in our life.

Trust in the flow. Sun follows rain like day follows night.
What may seem to be going wrong may, in fact, be going right!

Trust in yourself and your power as a creator. And trust in the universe; it only ever wants the best for you.

Sometimes the road of change is rocky, tumultuous even, which is why we may fear or resist it, yet it can still be for our best.

“All great changes are preceded by chaos .” ~ Deepak Chopra

What we resist becomes more painful. What we embrace through acceptance, with the light of hope and the wings of faith, can become joyful.

Bend like the willow in the breeze and life will flow with greater ease!

If you don't embrace change, it can become more and more painful staying where you are. If you don't listen to the whispers they become shouts. Patterns repeat until you heal and change.

Sometimes life gives you a shake you up to help you WAKE UP!

All change can be opportunity! :)

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Take on RESPONSIBILITY and it is sure to bring SUCCESS

Responsibility brings freedom and empowerment. The more you take responsibility for your life, the better able you are to change it. You create or allow all experience, whether you are conscious of it or not. As James Allen so neatly puts it, "Circumstance does not make a man, it reveals him to himself".

Become aware of the thoughts, feelings, beliefs and attitudes that are creating your world. Take responsibility for them and choose those that serve you and your world. Get exciting about the future, own your power and get manifesting. You can move from victim to victor, from blame to gain, from fear or failure, to triumph and success!

Friday, February 18, 2011


Number One - Gratitude
What are you Grateful for? Write it down

Number Two - Celebrate
Celebrate your goals.....Big or Small

Number Three - Action
To create the life you really want, what steps do you need to take to get it?

Number Four - Create a Vision Board
Cut out pictures from magazines of things that you really want and post it where you can see it every morning, that you can reflect on it every day, and fully be aware of what you really want.

Number Five - Act as if you already have Received
Like ordering from a catalogue, have faith that it is already on it's way.

Number Six - Letting go of old beliefs that are no longer of use to you.

Have you seen the Movie or read the Book - THE SECRET?
Have you read the Book - THE PASSION TEST?

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


How long does it take to turn your life around?
It can happen in an instant; that's how long it takes to make a decision... a decision to change, a decision to pursue a new path, a decision to begin living the life you imagine for yourself, or to be the person you wish to be by making better choices.
The decision takes only a moment, but sticking to that decision may take a little longer. Why does this part of the process so often challenge us? Well, the human body has a memory all its own... it is called muscle memory. It takes 100 repetitions of a single action or motion to train your muscles to automatically perform a specific function without you having to consciously think about it.
The human brain is infinitely more complex than the muscles and reflexes of your body. So how long does it take to retrain your mind to a new habit -- a new way of thinking, or believing, or choosing? 28 days.
Think about it! 28 days to form new habits for your mind, to establish better neuro-pathways by making more positive choices. This is why so many rehabilitation programs last for about 28 days; clinicians know this is the amount of time it takes for people to re-program themselves to make better choices or to begin looking at life in a new way.
Remember, though, that the next 28 days represent only a beginning. The choice to continue upon your new course of action must be made a day at a time, every day in every way.
Give yourself permission to transform your life by deciding today to try a positive new path in some area of your life for the next 28 days. Just think, in less than a month you can truly change your life.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


When you send your energetic intention into the Universe, the Universe always responds. The energy you send out, whether positive or negative, is the same type of energy you will get back.

I have these words that go over and over in my mind, "You get out of life just what you put into it." How true those words are. When you drop a rock in the water, you never know how far out the ripples may go or what shores those ripples will eventually touch.

In much the same way, when you focus your energy on abundance, you never know what opportunities will come your way as a result of the energetic ripples you send out into the Universe. Eliminate any thought from your mind that you don't really deserve the best thing that could happen, or that it probably won't work out. Do not burden the Universe with such negativity. Your intention must be clear and true if you expect the Universe to respond accurately to your heart's desire.

Remember the phrase, "Be careful what you wish for, for you will surely get it." That phrase is true because it is precisely the way the Universe responds to us. It provides exactly what we focus upon. Whatever you want to bring about in your life, focus uponthat and think about already being there, or doing the activity, or living in that place. Do not make the mistake of wishing for something, but then thinking repeatedly to yourself that it probably will not happen. Remember that the Universe will respond to what you focus on the most, so if you spend more time thinking about what you fear won't happen...guess which result you will receive?

Think of yourself as an explorer in your own energetic future, and boldly go where you have not gone before by reaching out into the Universe with your energy focused positively on the state of being you wish to achieve. Your true intention will then draw others to you who are similarly focused, and opportunities for you to use the energy you engage, and it can all happen much faster than you imagine.

Sunday, January 30, 2011


YOU are a wonder of the universe. Out of everything ever possible out of the trillions of random happenings, out of everything that could ever be, YOU exist!

Ponder on this for a while and you will see how special you are. This Universe created YOU. Life created you. Life is a miracle in itself and that miracle created you. It is our beliefs and conditioning that stops us from seeing it. Layers upon layers of repeated experiences and repeated messages I have heard from being in this society is forming what I believe. Everywhere I look someone is selling me the hope of being somebody and that my happiness is connected to it… Telling me that it’s this way or that way, read this, look into that… If you are trying to become somebody, where are you going to find yourself?

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Wikipedia's explaination of Synchronicity is a word that Swiss psychologist Carl Jung used to describe the "temporally coincident occurrences of acausal events." Jung spoke of synchronicity as an "'acausal connecting principle'" (i.e. a pattern of connection that cannot be explained by direct causality) a "‘meaningful coincidence’" or as an "‘acausal parallelism’". Cause-and-effect, in Jung's mind, seemed to have nothing to do with it. Jung introduced the concept in his 1952 paper "Synchronicity — An Acausal Connecting Principle", though he had been considering the concept for almost thirty years.

Put plainly, synchronicity is the experience of two or more occurrences (beyond coincidentally) in a manner that is logically meaningful- but inexplicable- to the person or persons experiencing them. Such events would also have to suggest an underlying pattern in order to satisfy the definition of synchronicity as developed by Jung.

It differs from mere coincidence in that synchronicity implies not just a happenstance, but an underlying pattern or dynamic that is being expressed through meaningful relationships or events.

It was a principle that Jung felt encompassed his concepts of archetypes and the collective unconscious , in that it was descriptive of a governing dynamic that underlay the whole of human experience and history — social, emotional, psychological, and spiritual.

Jung believed that many experiences perceived as coincidence were due not merely tochance, but instead, suggested the manifestation of parallel events or circumstances reflecting this governing dynamic.

One of Jung's favourite quotes on Synchronicity was from Through the Looking-Glass byLewis Carroll, in which the White Queen says to Alice: "It's a poor sort of memory that

only works backwards."

Friday, January 21, 2011


Get ready to make a fresh start and leave the past behind you. it is never to late to make a fresh start. It's a good time for determining who and what is truly important and essential to you and then focusing all your energies there. Just realize that other people might not fully understand all your concerns and frustrations as much as you might hope and expect they would.

Please remember that putting expections on other people will only lead to dissappointment, therefore you must concentrate on what is best for you. Do not say to yourself, "Well, if I do this, what will people think?" You must ask yourself, "If I do this, what will I think of it and how will I feel about it?" It's like when people go on a date, before they even get ready for the date, they think to themselves, "I Wonder what "He/she" will think of me if I wear this?" You are supposed to say to yourself, "If I wear this outfit, how will "I" feel in it, will I be comfortable wearing this kind of eye shadow?" ECT

So in general, always put the "I" in the question you are aking instead of the "he/she/they!

Saturday, January 8, 2011


I will love the sun for it warms my bones;
yet I will love the rain for it cleanses my spirit.
I will love the light for it shows me the way;
yet I will love the darkness for it shows me the stars.
I will welcome happiness for it enlarges my heart;
yet I will endure sadness for it opens my soul.
I will acknowledge rewards for they are my due;
yet I will welcome obstacles for they are my challenge.

by:Og Mandino

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Acronym`s Are Fantastic Tools

Happy New Year! I love the feeling of a New Year. For me it represents a chance to start over and a chance for new beginnings. In the past I would have made a list of my so called New Year's resolutions which I ended up giving up on after just a few weeks into my New Year. I just lost interest and frankly didn't want to put the energy or time into making them work. This year I am doing something different. This year I am choosing a theme word that represents some of what I want more of during the year. The word is an acronym for some of those things that I want more of. For example my word theme this year is FITNESS which is an acronym for

Fun, Fitness, Fruits and veggies

Inspired thoughts and actions

Transformation and personal growth

Nature and nurturing

Enlightenment and energy

Spiritual growth

Stopping and smelling the roses

I would love to hear what theme word you are choosing to use for this year and how each letter of the word represents more of what you want for yourself in 2011. If you are interested in sharing your word with me then please comment below with the theme word that defines some of your wants for the year. I look forward to hearing from you!