Thursday, December 30, 2010


In theThe best way to predict your future... is to CREATE IT!

You have free will. You can sculpt your world in accordance with your desires.

With the New Year just ahead, it's a time to own your power and get excited about POSSIBILITY & the wonders to come!

You can leave behind what you don't want, build on what you do, & create new dreams to blossom and bloom!

Let me wish you a Happy, Love, Joy & Success-Filled year ahead!!

May 2011 be overbrimming with all you desire and more!

And with this in mind, I want to enthusiastically remind you that...

You are a powerful creator!

You are creating your reality in every moment, whether you're aware of it or not.

Your beliefs, thoughts, feelings, choices and desires, your imagination and expectation, all play a what you experience on a day-to-day basis!


You are the fountainhead of your experience!

You can move from victim to victor, from blame to gain, from fear and failure to triumph and success!

You can author your life in delightful accordance with your heart's deepest wishes and desires.

Just how good can life get? Dare to imagine!

A Scorpion Moment

There was this person who saw a scorpion floundering around in the water. He decided to save it by stretching out his finger, but the scorpion stung him. The man still tried to get the scorpion out of the water, but the scorpion stung him again.

A man nearby told him to stop saving the scorpion that kept stinging him.

But the person said: "It is the nature of the scorpion to sting. It is my nature to love. Why should I give up my nature to love just because it is the nature of the scorpion to sting?"

Don't give up loving.
Don't give up your goodness.
Even if people around you sting.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


TEAM - Together Everyone Achieves Miracles

No one has achieved great success on their own.

The idea that you have to do it all by yourself is one of
the false beliefs that keeps so many people from living
A passionate life.

To achieve great things, find those who compliment your
skills, your knowledge, your talents and your passions.

If you want to reach many, partner with those who have a
bigger audience than your own.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Achieving Your New Year's Goals

With the holiday season in full swing and 2011 fast approaching, now is the perfect time to begin setting your goals for the New Year. Many of us set New Year's resolutions each year but often find we haven't made much progress on the goals as the year went along.

Rather than focus on what you didn't achieve, celebrate the victories that you did have this year and look for new ways to refocus on the goals you still want to accomplish.

The Rule of 5
One principle to help you re-energize and make significant progress towards completing your goals is called The Rule of 5. The Rule of 5 simply means that every day, do five specific things that will move you closer to realizing your goal. As psychologist Ron Scolastico said, "If you would go every day to a very large tree and take five swings at it with a very sharp axe, eventually, no matter how large the tree, it would have to come down."

Jack Canfield's Quote of the Month:
"Whatever the explanation, the reality is that what you want,
wants you."

The Rule of 5 embodies a key principle of successful people...daily consistent effort. The actions you choose don't have to be large things. Just identify five actions that will get you closer to your goal and do them. Perhaps you follow-up with five sales presentations you have made. Maybe you eat three healthy meals and two nutritious snacks. Or, you can commit to expressing gratitude to five people during the day.

The tendency might be to put them on the list and hope that you "get to them." That's not enough. You know that if it's just on the list, the tendency will be to do the things that are screaming loudest for your time and attention—the urgent things, the things for other people. Your goal deserves a higher priority. Make those five things the highest priority in your day and set aside protected time on your written schedule to do them. Perhaps even do them first before anything else. Don't go to bed without having completed them. Those small successes towards your goal will infuse your day with enthusiasm, energy, a sense of completion, and positive momentum.

Start the New Year Fresh and if you are wanting a little help in staying on track just give me a call and we will chat.

Do you need a nudge to stay on track to complete the goals you want to achieve? We can work together I will help you clarify your vision and hold you accountable to your goals so you can't procrastinate any longer.

My Love to you

Diane Harrison


Friday, December 24, 2010




Friday, December 17, 2010

Being happy all the time is very much a matter of habit. If you don’t have the habit, it is easy to create it.

Let us first define “being happy”.

I-wantYou are unhappy, generally speaking, when you do not have something that you wished you had. Want-related thoughts make you restless and dissatisfied.

But suppose it is the person across the street who is disturbed by a want. You would not be restless and dissatisfied because it is not you who has the want.

Well, surprise: all these years when you were disturbed by wants, it wasn’t “you” who had the wants.

I-want2It was your mind that had the wants. You are merely aware of your mind. You are a still, motionless witness to it. The mind is an object, and you are watching it.

But do not take my word for it, verify this arrangement for yourself. The next time a thought strikes you, try and put your finger on who was aware of the thought. Once you have located that “who”, dwell in the “who” for a while. Rinse and repeat; you will realize that this “who” is absolutely still and peaceful, and is watching your thoughts like a person in a theater watching a movie (your mind is the movie).

What you have to do is reside in this “who” all the time while being constantly and peacefully aware of all your thoughts. When your thoughts decide that you should do something (just as they have in the past), spur your body on to perform that action.

In the eyes of the outside world, you will be going about your life as usual; inside, you will be watching your mind and body going about your life as usual, only “you” will be absolutely peaceful and undisturbed.

mobileBut… you have to remember to be this way throughout the day. Here is a method for doing that: set alarms in your mobile phone to remind you every two hours to“identify with the motionless witness”, and set these alarms to repeat daily over several weeks. With practice you will find that when the alarm rings, you will already be the motionless witness. How do I know? Because it is happening to me!

So give it a whirl… first find the “who” that is aware of your thoughts, then be that “who” throughout the day. START NOW!

Article by: Lucky Balaraman

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Charles Dickens

People the world over are familiar with Charles Dickens' classic holiday tale, A Christmas Carol. We watch the selfish behaviors of Ebenezer Scrooge and know that he is due to get his comeuppance, while we remain secure in the knowledge that on our worst day we have never been as bad as Scrooge.

And when the three Spirits of Christmas -- Past, Present, and Yet to Come -- teach him his spiritual lessons by showing him images of the choices he made along the way, we learn along with Scrooge the importance of our choices and the value of every single day, and every single living being who crosses our path or touches our lives.

What if, this year, you were to be visited by those same three Spirits? What images would you be shown from your past and in your present? What warnings of fate would your Spirit of Christmas Yet to Come reveal to you so that you could commit yourself to improving your life with a glad and grateful heart?

None of us is likely as miserly as Scrooge; Charles Dickens made certain of that when he created this memorable character. Yet each of us, more than likely, has areas in which we could improve, or one major vice we have yet to conquer in our lives. And even if we have our lives fairly well in order, most of us could stand to be a little more compassionate with the struggles of those around us.

We could be a little kinder or more considerate to our families, to people we encounter in the workplace, to strangers we meet on the street, or even other drivers on the road.

We could be a little more charitable in our donations, this year, wherever we may feel led to make a contribution.

We could be a little more gracious in extending to our fellow beings the stretched out hand of tolerance, and the boon of true forgiveness.

And we could take the time this holiday season to hold our loved ones close, and tell them once and for all how very dear they are to us -- and how much they bless our lives.

May this joyous holiday season bring the loving Spirits of Christmas to you, so that your life may be blessed and your spirit renewed. May you enjoy love and peace this season, and throughout the coming year.

by: the Positive Way

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Be Someone that Others want to be Around!

Mentor yourself using modern day resources
Learn how to think bigger than BIG
Don't care about who gets the credit
Everything Happens for a reason
Treat all people like they're "BIG" people
Be someone that others want to be around

Thursday, December 9, 2010


It's All About You, It's About Time - Choices, Mindset, Creativity & Change/Results Workshop" ended its 4-part series today! It has been an inspiring workshop and Thank you to REAL EVENTS for your Sponsorship. 2011 promises to be a good year! And there'll be more and bigger workshops like this, if only to inspire you ... to CHOOSE to work with your MINDSET to CREATE and make the CHANGES to live your IDEAL LIFE! It's time to take the steps and follow your passion!

Friday, November 26, 2010

"Desire is the key to motivation, but it's determination
and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal - a
commitment to excellence - that will enable you to attain
the success you seek." ~Mario Andretti

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Why Gratitude Makes You Happy & Wealthy

by Christine Kane

Gratitude is more than being thankful one day a year. Gratitude is a practice. For some, it's a way of life.

Why do some people swear by the practice of gratitude? Why do these people have joy-filled andabundant lives?

In other words, why does gratitude make you happy and wealthy?

• Because gratitude is about presence.

It's about waking up in this moment and being here -really being here - and noticing what's around you. Most people are so busy thinking about the next thing, or about their horrid past, that they don't wake up and look around at their present moment - the only moment there is.

• Because gratitude is about honoring YOUR precious life.

Do you ever compare your life with someone else's? Do you ever wish your life were better and more like [insert famous person's name here]? Sometimes we can lose ourselves in wondering how we "measure up" to some standard set by our families or by the media. Comparison is the mind killer. The antidote is gratitude.

Gratitude requires that you validate your own life. (And you really don't have any other life, do you?) It forces you to say YES to the gift that is you. The choices you've made and the changes you've gone through -- they have brought you here. Even if here is a place that needs a little adjustment, that's okay. There are always gifts in any present moment.

• Because gratitude is about attracting.

It's difficult to attract abundance and joy if you are constantly saying "no" to what IS. You say "no" each time you focus on the future or past, or when you criticize something that is in your present moment.

Attraction is about saying Yes. When you say Yes, you shift.

Gratitude says, "Yes, I love this!" And then more of this is attracted, because the this is what you're focusing on.

• Because gratitude is about choice.

How you translate any situation is the situation. What you choose to see is the truth (for you).

This isn't proposing that you live in denial or phoniness. It's reminding you that your translation of any life situation is your choice. We've all heard stories of people who have ignored others' translations of their talent, their projects, their art, their looks, their lives. These people chose their own translations andsucceeded. You always have a choice when it comes to how you look at things. Choose to choose gratitude.

• Because gratitude is about wisdom.

I think people believe they're being smart if they criticize, complain, and focus on the problems of the world around them.

Smart? Maybe.

Clever? Sure.

But not wise.

It is wise to look for and find the knowing place in your heart. It is wise to choose joy. It is wise to honor your riches. It is wise to focus on and grow the blessings of your life.

• Because gratitude is about recognition.

Use your power of focus to hone in on beauty and on what makes your heart sing. Recognize the spirit in your life. It's all around you waiting to be noticed. In the words of Franz Kafka, "It will roll in ecstasy at your feet."

• Because gratitude is about receptivity.

Gratitude makes you receptive. It makes you a vessel, waiting to be filled.

I carry a tiny notebook with me everywhere I go. In it, I write down song ideas. I write down quotes I hear. I write down ideas for stage stories. As I do that, I become more receptive, and more ideas and songs come to me. It's a tool that says to my subconscious, "Send more my way!" And the subconscious always responds.

Gratitude is the same way. It says, "I am receptive! Send more!" And more arrives.

• Because gratitude is about creativity.

Creativity is really all about attention. (So is genius.)

When I write a song, I build a relationship with that song. I spend time with it. I get to know it. I pay attention to it. Artists do the same thing with drawings. They spend time in rapt attention, and the drawing is born.

Gratitude is how we Live Creative. It is a creative act to notice and pay attention to the moments of your life. Some days it's an enormous act of creativity to find things for which to be thankful.

Start today.

And have a Thanksgiving of presence, creativity, and gratitude!


Please do! Just be sure to include this complete blurb with it:

Christine Kane is the Mentor to Women Who are Changing the World. She helps women uplevel their lives, their businesses and their success. Her weekly LiveCreative eZine goes out to over 12,000 subscribers. If you are ready to take your life and your world to the next level, you can sign up for a F.R.E.E. subscription at


See Christine's blog at

Sunday, November 21, 2010

"Life's challenges are not supposed to paralyze you, they're supposed to help you discover who you are." Bernice Johnson Reagon

MY VISION - to INSPIRE people to move FORWARD.

One thing that is always constant and it is CHANGE.

Why not embrace Change, feel how good it is expand yourself. Our minds are Pre-Conditioned from our past, influenced by everyone else, and as a result as we get older we try to filter out what people have said and done to us that we have no idea who we actually are.

Look at the results you have now, look around and see, and ask yourself, Is all this really WHO I AM?

Then ask yourself: Am I willing to be at the same place 1 year from now?

ecide to not settle, not to give up, and not stand for less than our true selves.

The difference in life is not whether or not you have moments of inspiration, but rather what you do when those moments are here. Do you grab them and act on them? Or, do you just savor the feeling until it drifts away?

Feelings will drift away. But actions define a new life.

CHOOSE to work with your MINDSET to CREATE and make the CHANGES to live your Ideal Life!

Friday, November 19, 2010

CHOOSE to work with your MINDSET to CREATE and make the CHANGES to live your Ideal Life.

MY VISION - to INSPIRE people to move FORWARD.

One thing that is always constant and it is CHANGE.

Why not embrace Change, feel how good it is expand yourself. Our minds are Pre-Conditioned from our past, influenced by everyone else, and as a result as we get older we try to filter out what people have said and done to us that we have no idea who we actually are.

Look at the results you have now, look around and see, and ask yourself, Is all this really WHO I AM?

Then ask yourself: Am I willing to be at the same place 1 year from now?

You have Choices...You are allowed to make them.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Nice One

What if you were given $86,400 dollars every morning that you had to spend everyday or you would lose whatever you didn't spend ? How would you spend it? Guess what, you are given 86,400 seconds everyday to spend as you wish. How are you spending it or better yet... how will you invest it so you get a great return on your investment? by John Assaraf -

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


No matter how busy you are, add something enjoyable to your schedule. This will increase your productivity and expand your energy to pursue other activities and responsibilities. A rewarding, enjoyable life outside work makes it easier to tolerate any frustrations you may experience in your work environment. For maximum productivity, coordinate your daily activity pattern with your natural energy cycles; only you can know the times of the day when you feel the most productive. Choose what is important to you, and let go of the rest.
Those who know themselves well, who are clear on what pleases them, what energizes them, what interests them, are the ones who create the most fulfilling and productive lives.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different
- Albert Einstein

The decisions you make today are the seeds you plant that will manifest in
your life. Are you planting seeds of faith, trust, courage, abundance, joy,
love..... or are you planting seeds of lack, scarcity, feel, doubt,
unworthiness, struggle....

The key to manifesting more of what you want is being in alignment.
Whenever you are hitting up against obstacles, unintentional or undesired
creations in your life, something, somewhere is out of whack. You are
perfectly aligned with what you attract into your life.

Unless you can see where you are out of alignment, you will continue to
operate in a survival oriented space, which is a difficult place to attract
and manifest your greatest desires.

Everything is energy. Whatever you feel, believe and do will be magnified
in all areas of you life. That is the law of the Universe.

How you do anything is how you do everything

Sunday, October 31, 2010


***Every person is surrounded by a magnetic field. Wherever you go, the magnetic field goes with you.

***You attract everything through the magnetism of your field. Your feelings determine whether your fild is positive or negative at any time.

***Every single time you give love, through your feelings, words, or actions, you add more love to the field around you.

***The more love in your field, the more power yu have to attract the things you love.

***Imagine what you want as the size of a dot! For the force of love, what you want is smaller than a dot!

***You do not have to turn the negative into a positive. Just give love for what you want, because the creation of what you want replaces the negativity!

***Spend seven minutes each day imagining and feeling having what you want. Do it until your desire belongs to you, as you know you name belongs to you.

***There is only one force in life and that force is love. You are either feeling good because you are full of love, or you are feeeling bad because you are empty of love - but all of your feeling are degrees of love.

***To lighten up about bad feelings, imagine bad feelings as wild horses you climb on. If you climbed on them you can climb off them, too! You can choose to get off that horse as fas as you jumped on to it.

***Change what you give, andyou will always, without exceptionm, change what you receive, because that is the law of attraction.

by Rhonda Byrne

Monday, October 25, 2010


Hi All:

I want to welcome you all to come out and join us in our Results Workshop, the change that you see in yourself, when you have put forth action, to receive the life you truly are here to provide to yourself and others.


That's all any of us really want to to help others in so many ways.

So please join us to find a way to help others while helping ourselves along the way.



Saturday, October 16, 2010


Look to when you were younger and remember your dreams. What I want to do, what I want to have when I grow up. What were your dreams, and are they now a Reality?

Sunday, October 10, 2010


7PM – 9PM
When you are faced with a decision always follow what is important to you. Ask yourself this Number 1 question before you choose:
"Will this decision Help me get what I want and where I want to be, or will it Hinder me?"

"True intelligence operates silently. Stillness is where creativity and solutions to problems are found. " - Eckhart Tolle

For a small $5 fee (payable at the door):
 You will have a better understanding of how to handle life's situations with the power of positive thinking.
 You will Be Inspired.
 You will have the tools available to start creating your Ideal Life through your MINDSET.
 You will have the chance to meet other people who are in similar situations.
 This Workshop will be a 2 hour event.
 We will have a 15 minute break in between with snacks and refreshments available.
 Please join me in what I feel will bring you motivation and inspire you to want to change your Mindset to make the Choices to Creating your ideal life.

To R.S.V.P., Please contact me –


"One's philosophy is not best expressed in words; it is expressed in the choices one makes. In the long run, we shape our lives and we shape ourselves. The process never ends until we die. And, the choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility."
- Eleanor Roosevelt

Friday, October 8, 2010

How Exciting

My Workshop last night was fantastic! Had some awesome reviews and great suggestions for the next one. Please join me on October 21 for a fun filled evening on Creativity. With much Love and Joy.

Every Experience is a Gift.


Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Wow I can't believe that there is only 2 more days before my next workshop on Mindset. I have been quite busy preparing for this and am anxious to get the information out there. It is extremely exciting to me to have become an Inspirational speaker.

My Goal is to Inspire others in creating their Ideal Life.

I can't wait to see you all out at the workshops.


Saturday, October 2, 2010


When you are faced with a decision always follow what is important to you. Ask yourself this Number 1 question before you choose:
"Will this decision Help me get what I want and where I want to be, or will it Hinder me?"

I am hosting a Workshop for you so that you can say "I CAN CHANGE MY MINDSET!"

For a small $5 fee (payable at the door):
 You will have a better understanding of how to handle life's situations with the power of positive thinking.
 You will Be Inspired.
 You will have the tools available to start creating your Ideal Life through your MINDSET.
 You will have the chance to meet other people who are in similar situations.
 This Workshop will be a 2 hour event.
 We will have a 15 minute break in between with snacks and refreshments available.
 Please join me in what I feel will bring you motivation and inspire you to want to change your mindset to make the choices to living your ideal life.

To R.S.V.P., Please contact me –

Sunday, September 26, 2010


Yeah.....MemoryTRAIN a HarrisonGroup Collaboration, has now completed yet another fabulous DVD, WE ARE GOOD, NOTHING BUT WONDERFUL COMMENTS...Love the DVD, You guys did a great job, or Man I could have used you at my Wedding. Thank you to all of you for your great comments.


Heading to see the Westbank Opry and watch Dale Seaman perform country's best cover tunes and his own tunes that he has wrote. GO DALE GO DALE GO DALE!

Thursday, September 23, 2010


My Workshop was amazing. I do believe that everyone, got a little something out of it. And that is all I wanted. That is what inspires me. I have had some great feedback, that I will take into my next Workshop. Next Workshop will me on MINDSET. How important it is to have choices to change our Mindset.

Every Experience is a Blessing!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Can you believe it, it is almost here, one more day, and I will be speaking in front of a crowd on the choices that we make and how we can find out what our top priority is and always move in favor of our passions.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Wise Woman's Festival

Well, I have just had the most amazing time and this special festival. I did card readings for people in the mornings and that was amazing in itself, then in the afternoons I attended workshops. I attended a guided visual meditation on Saturday afternoon, which took me to a place I had no idea was there. Saturday evening I went to Norma Cowie`s Spiritual Awareness on Wealth. On Sunday afternoon, I attended Jolleen McFarlan`s Fine Tuning my intuition. The experience of these two days was and will forever be a blessing in my life. It was certainly a turning point on my adventure and leading me to my next level. Thank you thank you thank you to all I met and to all who have inspired me. I love you all

Thursday, September 16, 2010


Whatever is bringing you the most difficulty will help you discover your greatest strength. There's a lot of truth to the saying that whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Hang in there.

Saturday, September 11, 2010


That is a great question. When you look at someone you only see the outer skin, Ask yourself these questions. By looking at yourself first......Look at what you are doing right this very minute, are you sitting down, standing up, laying down? What you putting in your body? Are you eating and what is it you are eating, and what emotion is it you have, while you are eating ? Are your drinking? What are you drinking? Are you Smoking?

It all depends on what you are doing at that very moment, then take that step forward and look at why you are doing whatever it is you are doing. Why is it that I am eating this chocolate bar? I don't have a sweet tooth right now, I am full, as I just ate lunch, is it because it was just there in my sight, could I have avoided eating it, is it an emotional state I am in? Then find that emotion. Are you Happy? Are you content? Do you feel sad, lonely, depressed? There are a number of Emotions that one can have when we do what we do, we just have to figure out the WHY. Why do you feel this way? Can you take steps to not feel this way, and what are the steps that need to be taken.

Each time that you do look at what you are putting in your body, ask yourself WHY? Ask yourself, can I be doing something else?
Look at what is inside your body, right now. I am talking about your Heart, your Lungs, your digestive system, your veins, and how they run through your body, your Stomach, visualize what may be in each of those VITAL ORGANS.
Then look at your skin, what color is it? Start at your toes, look at each individual toe. Can you see the bones inside, can you see the veins, the blood pumping through each toe? If you touch them, can you feel a sensation and what is that sensation that you feel? Is it ticklish? Can you see how the skins moves when you wringle your toes? Do the same thing on your whole foot, and gradually work your way up your whole body, looking at it from the inside out? If you look deep enough you can actually see the core of what is really going on , on the outside, from the inside. What is it?

Thursday, September 2, 2010



When you are faced with a decision always follow what is important to you. Ask yourself this Number 1 question before you choose, and that is:

"Will this decision Help me get what I want and where I want to be, or will it Hinder me?"

I will be hosting a Workshop for you so that you can say "Yes! I do have Choices."

A friend of mine has a saying.....'There is no black and white in a Rainbow' other words, this is a world of decision making and, believe me, we make decisions every minute of every day. This does not have to be black and white, or even the "Grey" area. We can choose to make colors, wonderful colors, with our life.

For a small $5 fee:
You will have a better understanding of how to handle life's situations with the power of positive thinking.
You will Be Inspired.
You will have the tools available to start creating your Ideal Life through Choices.
You will have the chance to meet other people who are in similar situations.

This Workshop will be a 2 hour event.
We will have a 30 minute break in between with snacks and refreshments available.

Please join me in what I feel will bring you motivation and inspire you to want to make the choices to living your ideal life.

Please contact me -
Please put the times and days of the week when you are available. I will then send a follow up email to let you know when and where this wonderful Workshop will take place.


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Choices - Openings for Opportunities

Every choice we make has an impact to a greater or lesser extent, each one like a pebble dropped in a pond, the ripples, the ramifications, spreading out into our future and other areas of our life.

Choice is available in every moment as a doorway to the possible, and in such, every moment is an opportunity filled with potential, for a new beginning, for greater love, for a new direction, for expanded success.

What choice could you make right now that would change your life for the better, today, tomorrow, in the coming weeks, months or years?

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Sunday, August 29, 2010

My Sons

Two of my favorite Passions, are my two boys, now men mind you. They are my stability, they are the loves of my life. They are working on finding their natural path, and it is scary at times but that's what life is truly about. Stepping into the F.E.A.R will always take you to a new hieght in your life. I LOVE KYLE AND STEPHEN YOU ARE THE BEST!

Saturday, August 28, 2010


The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a person's determination.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Make today be your day

Get ready to make a fresh start and leave the past behind you. it is never to late to make a fresh start. It's a good time for determining who and what is truly important and essential to you and then focusing all your energies there. Just realize that other people might not fully understand all your concerns and frustrations as much as you might hope and expect they would.

Please remember that putting expections on other people will only lead to dissappointment, therefore you must concentrate on what is best for you. Do not say to yourself, "Well, if I do this, what will people think?" You must ask yourself, "If I do this, what will I think of it and how will I feel about it?" It's like when people go on a date, before they even get ready for the date, they think to themselves, "I Wonder what "He/she" will think of me if I wear this?" You are supposed to say to yourself, "If I wear this outfit, how will "I" feel in it, will I be comfortable wearing this kind of eye shadow?" ECT

So in general, always put the "I" in the question you are aking instead of the "he/she/they!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


You know the old saying it's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all? Well it's true! With each relationship we learn more about ourselves and what we want. Try to remember that if you're feeling brokenhearted. It takes experience to grow!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Yourself at your Best

"The art of being yourself at your best is the art of unfolding your personality into the person you want to be...Be gentle with yourself, learn to love yourself, to forgive yourself, for only as we have the right attitude toward ourselves can we have the right attitude toward others."

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Get what you Give

How many times, when dating the wrong person, have you thought, "I'm always giving, giving, giving but what do I get?" Or "I wish they would do (fill in the blank) for me?" If you've had a lifetime (or even one time) of dating the wrong person, my guess is a lot. The good news is, when you do find the right match, you'll get as much as you give. Now that's not to say that you're Love is guaranteed to be considerate or helpful around the house. What it means is that you'll be able to express your needs and get them met, as well as being open to what your partner needs.

When you're just not that into them - can be just as unfulfilling, because you're not participating in the relationship. A participatory relationship is one that shows promise. The same goes for your relationship with yourself. Get active about creating the life you want, and watch your energy and self-esteem increase tenfold!

Sunday, August 15, 2010


Whatever is bringing you the most challenges in life. will help you discover your greatest strength. There's a lot of truth to the saying that whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Hang in there.

Friday, August 13, 2010

New Goals

Do you aspire to reach a new goal -- either spiritually, emotionally or both. Explore ideas out of your comfort zone. Don't be afraid to new opportunities even try yoga, meditation, even therapy. Keep an open mind and an open heart and more opportunities will come your way.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Why is change so hard? You know what you need to do but can't seem to do it. You start off with all kinds of enthusiasm - you buy new running shoes, bypass the candy aisle, pick up boxes to organize your junk. But pretty soon those running shoes get lost in the bottom of your closet, your cupboards are full of Diet Coke again, and those boxes are now ADDING to the pile of junk that has taken over your garage.

Far sadder than not losing weight or getting organized, is when you can't keep your love promises. You swear you'll make more effort to meet NICE guys, passing up those bad boys you can spot a mile away. But the next thing you know, you're on the back of a motorcycle behind Mr. Hot Leather and you're just sure it will be different this time! Just as soon as you loan him the money he needs to get himself together... Or you insist that THIS is the year you'll give up trying to convert unavailable men - you KNOW you can't change them - it's their problem and you ARE loveable! But then you meet your dream man and he's separated...

Change is so hard because habits get hard-wired into the brain and take on a life of their own. This is why most of us live our lives on autopilot, doing the same things over and over, having the same inner dialogue going all the time, and thus repeating the same old patterns. Unless we make an intense effort to become conscious and AWAKE, we can expect things to be business as usual. But how do you wake up and STAY awake?

Get help! People make positive changes all the time, but they rarely do so by themselves. The best ways to support yourself are to have a coach or mentor, form a support group, and be accountable to others who want for you what you want for yourself.

Dr. Diana Kirschner, author of "Opening Love's Door: The Seven Lessons," and that Amazon #1 best seller, "The Ultimate Guide to Getting the Love You Want." Dr. Kirschner has helped thousands of singles and couples make their love dreams come true. She has so much experience helping people break through their negative, unconscious love patterns that she's come to believe that with the right support and training, almost anyone can quickly find love if they make it their top priority and break through dead-end dating patterns. So she's created the "Love in Ninety Days Boot Camp Course" in which she can take even the biggest loser in love and turn them into a mean, lean love machine.

So stop beating yourself up! Just find someone or something to help you get motivated.

Sunday, August 8, 2010


People always come into your life for a reason, a season and a lifetime. When you figure out which it is, you know exactly what to do.

When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed outwardly or inwardly. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, or to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally, or even spiritually. They may seem like a godsend to you, and they are. They are there for a reason,you need them to be. Then, without any wrong doing on your part or at an inconvenient time, this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end. Sometimes they die, Sometimes they just walk away. Sometimes they act up or out and force you to take a stand. What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilleed; their work is done. The prayer you sent up has been answered and it is now time to move on.
When people come into your life for a SEASON, it is because your turn has come to share, grow, or learn. They may bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh. They may teach you something you have never done. They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy. Believe it! It is real! But, only for a season. And like Spring turns to Summer and Summer to Fall, the season eventually ends.

LIFETIME, relationships teach you a lifetime of lessons; those things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation. Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person/people (anyway);, and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas in your life. It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant. Thank you for being part of my life.....

Saturday, August 7, 2010


If you observe a really happy man you will find him building a boat, writing a symphony, educating his son, growing double dahlias in his garden. He will not be searching for happiness as if it were a collar button that has rolled under the radiator

Friday, August 6, 2010


Do you aspire to reach new goals? Either Spiritual, Emotionally or both? Explore Ideas out of your comfort zone. Don't be afraid to experience new opportunities like Yogo or Meditation even Therapy. Keep and open mind and an open heart and more opportunities will come your way.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Avoidance or empowerment?

When is being a recluse a bad thing? When you decide not to date because you're tired of being hurt, you're convinced that no one knows how to be faithful any more, or that you'll just be left alone again so why bother, you're choosing solitude out of fear, and that's not healthy. When the isolation is involuntary, as seems to happen most frequently with housebound elders, it's tragic. If, when you're alone in the car or your home, you tend to fill the silence with television, music or podcasts, then solitude might not be a good choice. Or when you feel alone rather than cozy, then solitude is simply not right for you, at least not at this stage in your life.

Solitude is empowering when you want to focus within for spiritual, religious or creative reasons, or if you're ready to embark on a profound reorientation in your life, such as when, after a difficult divorce, you set aside time to rediscover who you are, who you've become, and then go on to build new goals and a new life from that knowledge.

Solitude as a sacred path isn't for the faint of heart and truly isn't the best choice for everyone. But you'll know it's the right path for you if you long for solitude and silence like a thirsty man lost in the desert and, when you get it, your entire being breathes a profound sigh of relief. When solitude is a healing choice, when and if the moment comes to re-engage with society, that calling is as powerful and welcome as was the original summons to solitude.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Self Awareness

Understanding who we are and why we have done something is imperative as a starting point. Without full comprehension of the event and our place in it, we can never come to terms with the past. By recognizing the feelings we have attached to the situation, and understanding why we did what we did, we can begin to move forward.

Forgiveness Vs. Self-Forgiveness
Another important factor is being aware of our interpretation of the term "forgiveness." Many of us lump together "forgiveness," something we seem to have to ask for, something to be earned and received by someone outside of ourselves, with "self-forgiveness." They are most certainly two different concepts, which should be kept in their proper prospective. It can be most gratifying when others grant us forgiveness, even more so if they are the wronged parties in the incident we regret and for which we seek inner peace. Unfortunately, we may never receive the pardon of forgiveness from another individual, no matter how important their place, or their opinions, may be in our lives. This is why we must achieve self- forgiveness; our strength and self-acceptance must come from within. We will never be able to forgive ourselves if we rely on outside forces to pardon us, as those forces are outside our control.

Letting Go
As we have become self-aware and re-identified with our positive relationship with ourselves, this last step releases us from the past. It is simply making an agreement with ourselves to let go of the past and embrace the present. It is choosing to become the person we want to be, using the knowledge of our past choices to propel us positively forward into our new experiences. When we are mired in the mistakes of our past, we are not fully living, missing out on the remarkable opportunity to improve ourselves and to create a world of our choosing.

Friday, July 23, 2010

My Epiphany

So I had an epiphany a couple of months ago about a Universal Catalogue. In the book The Secret, they have the Universal Cheque, where you print it out and fill out the amount and put it where you can see it. you must always remember that you have to take action to seek what you want.

So the Universal Catalogue is similar, you fill out the pages of the items or things or whatever you want and you keep it with you at all times to view it. Again these are your intentions, then you must take action.

This is similar to you vision board only you can take it with you.

It seems to be more accessable when you can see it. Order from the Universal Catalogue only once and receive.

Are you ready to start Receiving?

Our thoughts control what we create, so Start Creating.

My Universal Catalogue is an essential part of you creating the fantastic life you deserve. Each page helps you along your journey and inside your Catalogue you will find Positive Affirmations to guide you each step of the way. All you have to do is start writing. Have fun in your creations. Use your Catalogue as a tool to use as a portable vision board.

Welcome to your wonderful Life!

Step 1. If you wish to Purchase you own Universal Catalogue simply add your active email address and click on the Buy Now button for a printable PDF:

Active Email Address:

Step 2: If you wish to purchase a hard copy, you will receive not only My Universal Catalogue but a Sharpy Pen attached. Just click on the Buy Now button below:

Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Open Road!

The road to opening your heart, sometimes is not as easy as it sounds. When we have been traumatized in this life, we tend to close ourselves up because we are afraid that if we allow someone in we may get broken and it takes time to reopen, but when we do we have a new sense of who we are. So when you feel you are constricted in any way, it is the Universes way of saying to you, you are going down a path that doesn't feel good so it's perhaps not the right one. When you have a feeling of "I can do or be anything I want, then that is the Universe's way of saying "hey welcome to your path. Try this excerise.. if you fold your arms up and close to your body, how do you feel? Then when you open your arms into a V shape and reach towards the sky, how do you feel?

So when you find yourself in any situation, which one are your feeling? Constricted or Open?

Love, Laughter and Happiness!

Monday, July 19, 2010

My Universal Catalogue

Are you ready to start Receiving?

Our thoughts control what we create, so Start Creating.

My Universal Catalogue is an essential part of you creating the fantastic life you deserve. Each page helps you along your journey and inside your Catalogue you will find Positive Affirmations to guide you each step of the way. All you have to do is start writing. Have fun in your creations. Use your Catalogue as a tool to use as a portable vision board.

Welcome to your wonderful Life!

Step 1. If you wish to Purchase you own Universal Catalogue simply add your active email address and click on the Buy Now button for a printable PDF:

Active Email Address:

Step 2: If you wish to purchase a hard copy, you will receive not only My Universal Catalogue but a Sharpy Pen attached. Just click on the Buy Now button below:


Is there that burning question you always ask yourseslf.....What is my Passion? Well I certainly hope I can help you with finding that Passion. If you were to look at your life in the future and you were to write down where you have been and what you have done...what would your novel look like?

Sunday, July 18, 2010


Everything that I experienced in my life I have put my heart and soul into. When I give things my all, and really feel it for myself and others, is when I am passionate about something or someone. Goosebumps help to know that I am passionate about something.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


First and Foremost, and we all know this, is that we have to be grateful for what we have now!

What am I grateful for?

I have been searching for my passion for a very long time. Well, you know what they say, when you are looking for something, you usually find it right under your nose.

My gift is my passion, where everything that I experienced in life and what I feel with my heart and soul, when I give things my all, and rave about it, is when I am passionate about something or someone.

It's not just one thing, like playing the guitar or singing or perhaps crafts, or painting ect. My passions, and I pluralize it because there are many.