Sunday, January 30, 2011


YOU are a wonder of the universe. Out of everything ever possible out of the trillions of random happenings, out of everything that could ever be, YOU exist!

Ponder on this for a while and you will see how special you are. This Universe created YOU. Life created you. Life is a miracle in itself and that miracle created you. It is our beliefs and conditioning that stops us from seeing it. Layers upon layers of repeated experiences and repeated messages I have heard from being in this society is forming what I believe. Everywhere I look someone is selling me the hope of being somebody and that my happiness is connected to it… Telling me that it’s this way or that way, read this, look into that… If you are trying to become somebody, where are you going to find yourself?

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Wikipedia's explaination of Synchronicity is a word that Swiss psychologist Carl Jung used to describe the "temporally coincident occurrences of acausal events." Jung spoke of synchronicity as an "'acausal connecting principle'" (i.e. a pattern of connection that cannot be explained by direct causality) a "‘meaningful coincidence’" or as an "‘acausal parallelism’". Cause-and-effect, in Jung's mind, seemed to have nothing to do with it. Jung introduced the concept in his 1952 paper "Synchronicity — An Acausal Connecting Principle", though he had been considering the concept for almost thirty years.

Put plainly, synchronicity is the experience of two or more occurrences (beyond coincidentally) in a manner that is logically meaningful- but inexplicable- to the person or persons experiencing them. Such events would also have to suggest an underlying pattern in order to satisfy the definition of synchronicity as developed by Jung.

It differs from mere coincidence in that synchronicity implies not just a happenstance, but an underlying pattern or dynamic that is being expressed through meaningful relationships or events.

It was a principle that Jung felt encompassed his concepts of archetypes and the collective unconscious , in that it was descriptive of a governing dynamic that underlay the whole of human experience and history — social, emotional, psychological, and spiritual.

Jung believed that many experiences perceived as coincidence were due not merely tochance, but instead, suggested the manifestation of parallel events or circumstances reflecting this governing dynamic.

One of Jung's favourite quotes on Synchronicity was from Through the Looking-Glass byLewis Carroll, in which the White Queen says to Alice: "It's a poor sort of memory that

only works backwards."

Friday, January 21, 2011


Get ready to make a fresh start and leave the past behind you. it is never to late to make a fresh start. It's a good time for determining who and what is truly important and essential to you and then focusing all your energies there. Just realize that other people might not fully understand all your concerns and frustrations as much as you might hope and expect they would.

Please remember that putting expections on other people will only lead to dissappointment, therefore you must concentrate on what is best for you. Do not say to yourself, "Well, if I do this, what will people think?" You must ask yourself, "If I do this, what will I think of it and how will I feel about it?" It's like when people go on a date, before they even get ready for the date, they think to themselves, "I Wonder what "He/she" will think of me if I wear this?" You are supposed to say to yourself, "If I wear this outfit, how will "I" feel in it, will I be comfortable wearing this kind of eye shadow?" ECT

So in general, always put the "I" in the question you are aking instead of the "he/she/they!

Saturday, January 8, 2011


I will love the sun for it warms my bones;
yet I will love the rain for it cleanses my spirit.
I will love the light for it shows me the way;
yet I will love the darkness for it shows me the stars.
I will welcome happiness for it enlarges my heart;
yet I will endure sadness for it opens my soul.
I will acknowledge rewards for they are my due;
yet I will welcome obstacles for they are my challenge.

by:Og Mandino

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Acronym`s Are Fantastic Tools

Happy New Year! I love the feeling of a New Year. For me it represents a chance to start over and a chance for new beginnings. In the past I would have made a list of my so called New Year's resolutions which I ended up giving up on after just a few weeks into my New Year. I just lost interest and frankly didn't want to put the energy or time into making them work. This year I am doing something different. This year I am choosing a theme word that represents some of what I want more of during the year. The word is an acronym for some of those things that I want more of. For example my word theme this year is FITNESS which is an acronym for

Fun, Fitness, Fruits and veggies

Inspired thoughts and actions

Transformation and personal growth

Nature and nurturing

Enlightenment and energy

Spiritual growth

Stopping and smelling the roses

I would love to hear what theme word you are choosing to use for this year and how each letter of the word represents more of what you want for yourself in 2011. If you are interested in sharing your word with me then please comment below with the theme word that defines some of your wants for the year. I look forward to hearing from you!