Wednesday, February 16, 2011


How long does it take to turn your life around?
It can happen in an instant; that's how long it takes to make a decision... a decision to change, a decision to pursue a new path, a decision to begin living the life you imagine for yourself, or to be the person you wish to be by making better choices.
The decision takes only a moment, but sticking to that decision may take a little longer. Why does this part of the process so often challenge us? Well, the human body has a memory all its own... it is called muscle memory. It takes 100 repetitions of a single action or motion to train your muscles to automatically perform a specific function without you having to consciously think about it.
The human brain is infinitely more complex than the muscles and reflexes of your body. So how long does it take to retrain your mind to a new habit -- a new way of thinking, or believing, or choosing? 28 days.
Think about it! 28 days to form new habits for your mind, to establish better neuro-pathways by making more positive choices. This is why so many rehabilitation programs last for about 28 days; clinicians know this is the amount of time it takes for people to re-program themselves to make better choices or to begin looking at life in a new way.
Remember, though, that the next 28 days represent only a beginning. The choice to continue upon your new course of action must be made a day at a time, every day in every way.
Give yourself permission to transform your life by deciding today to try a positive new path in some area of your life for the next 28 days. Just think, in less than a month you can truly change your life.

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