Wednesday, February 9, 2011


When you send your energetic intention into the Universe, the Universe always responds. The energy you send out, whether positive or negative, is the same type of energy you will get back.

I have these words that go over and over in my mind, "You get out of life just what you put into it." How true those words are. When you drop a rock in the water, you never know how far out the ripples may go or what shores those ripples will eventually touch.

In much the same way, when you focus your energy on abundance, you never know what opportunities will come your way as a result of the energetic ripples you send out into the Universe. Eliminate any thought from your mind that you don't really deserve the best thing that could happen, or that it probably won't work out. Do not burden the Universe with such negativity. Your intention must be clear and true if you expect the Universe to respond accurately to your heart's desire.

Remember the phrase, "Be careful what you wish for, for you will surely get it." That phrase is true because it is precisely the way the Universe responds to us. It provides exactly what we focus upon. Whatever you want to bring about in your life, focus uponthat and think about already being there, or doing the activity, or living in that place. Do not make the mistake of wishing for something, but then thinking repeatedly to yourself that it probably will not happen. Remember that the Universe will respond to what you focus on the most, so if you spend more time thinking about what you fear won't happen...guess which result you will receive?

Think of yourself as an explorer in your own energetic future, and boldly go where you have not gone before by reaching out into the Universe with your energy focused positively on the state of being you wish to achieve. Your true intention will then draw others to you who are similarly focused, and opportunities for you to use the energy you engage, and it can all happen much faster than you imagine.

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