Saturday, July 31, 2010

Avoidance or empowerment?

When is being a recluse a bad thing? When you decide not to date because you're tired of being hurt, you're convinced that no one knows how to be faithful any more, or that you'll just be left alone again so why bother, you're choosing solitude out of fear, and that's not healthy. When the isolation is involuntary, as seems to happen most frequently with housebound elders, it's tragic. If, when you're alone in the car or your home, you tend to fill the silence with television, music or podcasts, then solitude might not be a good choice. Or when you feel alone rather than cozy, then solitude is simply not right for you, at least not at this stage in your life.

Solitude is empowering when you want to focus within for spiritual, religious or creative reasons, or if you're ready to embark on a profound reorientation in your life, such as when, after a difficult divorce, you set aside time to rediscover who you are, who you've become, and then go on to build new goals and a new life from that knowledge.

Solitude as a sacred path isn't for the faint of heart and truly isn't the best choice for everyone. But you'll know it's the right path for you if you long for solitude and silence like a thirsty man lost in the desert and, when you get it, your entire being breathes a profound sigh of relief. When solitude is a healing choice, when and if the moment comes to re-engage with society, that calling is as powerful and welcome as was the original summons to solitude.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Self Awareness

Understanding who we are and why we have done something is imperative as a starting point. Without full comprehension of the event and our place in it, we can never come to terms with the past. By recognizing the feelings we have attached to the situation, and understanding why we did what we did, we can begin to move forward.

Forgiveness Vs. Self-Forgiveness
Another important factor is being aware of our interpretation of the term "forgiveness." Many of us lump together "forgiveness," something we seem to have to ask for, something to be earned and received by someone outside of ourselves, with "self-forgiveness." They are most certainly two different concepts, which should be kept in their proper prospective. It can be most gratifying when others grant us forgiveness, even more so if they are the wronged parties in the incident we regret and for which we seek inner peace. Unfortunately, we may never receive the pardon of forgiveness from another individual, no matter how important their place, or their opinions, may be in our lives. This is why we must achieve self- forgiveness; our strength and self-acceptance must come from within. We will never be able to forgive ourselves if we rely on outside forces to pardon us, as those forces are outside our control.

Letting Go
As we have become self-aware and re-identified with our positive relationship with ourselves, this last step releases us from the past. It is simply making an agreement with ourselves to let go of the past and embrace the present. It is choosing to become the person we want to be, using the knowledge of our past choices to propel us positively forward into our new experiences. When we are mired in the mistakes of our past, we are not fully living, missing out on the remarkable opportunity to improve ourselves and to create a world of our choosing.

Friday, July 23, 2010

My Epiphany

So I had an epiphany a couple of months ago about a Universal Catalogue. In the book The Secret, they have the Universal Cheque, where you print it out and fill out the amount and put it where you can see it. you must always remember that you have to take action to seek what you want.

So the Universal Catalogue is similar, you fill out the pages of the items or things or whatever you want and you keep it with you at all times to view it. Again these are your intentions, then you must take action.

This is similar to you vision board only you can take it with you.

It seems to be more accessable when you can see it. Order from the Universal Catalogue only once and receive.

Are you ready to start Receiving?

Our thoughts control what we create, so Start Creating.

My Universal Catalogue is an essential part of you creating the fantastic life you deserve. Each page helps you along your journey and inside your Catalogue you will find Positive Affirmations to guide you each step of the way. All you have to do is start writing. Have fun in your creations. Use your Catalogue as a tool to use as a portable vision board.

Welcome to your wonderful Life!

Step 1. If you wish to Purchase you own Universal Catalogue simply add your active email address and click on the Buy Now button for a printable PDF:

Active Email Address:

Step 2: If you wish to purchase a hard copy, you will receive not only My Universal Catalogue but a Sharpy Pen attached. Just click on the Buy Now button below:

Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Open Road!

The road to opening your heart, sometimes is not as easy as it sounds. When we have been traumatized in this life, we tend to close ourselves up because we are afraid that if we allow someone in we may get broken and it takes time to reopen, but when we do we have a new sense of who we are. So when you feel you are constricted in any way, it is the Universes way of saying to you, you are going down a path that doesn't feel good so it's perhaps not the right one. When you have a feeling of "I can do or be anything I want, then that is the Universe's way of saying "hey welcome to your path. Try this excerise.. if you fold your arms up and close to your body, how do you feel? Then when you open your arms into a V shape and reach towards the sky, how do you feel?

So when you find yourself in any situation, which one are your feeling? Constricted or Open?

Love, Laughter and Happiness!

Monday, July 19, 2010

My Universal Catalogue

Are you ready to start Receiving?

Our thoughts control what we create, so Start Creating.

My Universal Catalogue is an essential part of you creating the fantastic life you deserve. Each page helps you along your journey and inside your Catalogue you will find Positive Affirmations to guide you each step of the way. All you have to do is start writing. Have fun in your creations. Use your Catalogue as a tool to use as a portable vision board.

Welcome to your wonderful Life!

Step 1. If you wish to Purchase you own Universal Catalogue simply add your active email address and click on the Buy Now button for a printable PDF:

Active Email Address:

Step 2: If you wish to purchase a hard copy, you will receive not only My Universal Catalogue but a Sharpy Pen attached. Just click on the Buy Now button below:


Is there that burning question you always ask yourseslf.....What is my Passion? Well I certainly hope I can help you with finding that Passion. If you were to look at your life in the future and you were to write down where you have been and what you have done...what would your novel look like?

Sunday, July 18, 2010


Everything that I experienced in my life I have put my heart and soul into. When I give things my all, and really feel it for myself and others, is when I am passionate about something or someone. Goosebumps help to know that I am passionate about something.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


First and Foremost, and we all know this, is that we have to be grateful for what we have now!

What am I grateful for?

I have been searching for my passion for a very long time. Well, you know what they say, when you are looking for something, you usually find it right under your nose.

My gift is my passion, where everything that I experienced in life and what I feel with my heart and soul, when I give things my all, and rave about it, is when I am passionate about something or someone.

It's not just one thing, like playing the guitar or singing or perhaps crafts, or painting ect. My passions, and I pluralize it because there are many.