With the holiday season in full swing and 2011 fast approaching, now is the perfect time to begin setting your goals for the New Year. Many of us set New Year's resolutions each year but often find we haven't made much progress on the goals as the year went along.
Rather than focus on what you didn't achieve, celebrate the victories that you did have this year and look for new ways to refocus on the goals you still want to accomplish.
The Rule of 5
One principle to help you re-energize and make significant progress towards completing your goals is called The Rule of 5. The Rule of 5 simply means that every day, do five specific things that will move you closer to realizing your goal. As psychologist Ron Scolastico said, "If you would go every day to a very large tree and take five swings at it with a very sharp axe, eventually, no matter how large the tree, it would have to come down."
Jack Canfield's Quote of the Month:
"Whatever the explanation, the reality is that what you want,
wants you."
The Rule of 5 embodies a key principle of successful people...daily consistent effort. The actions you choose don't have to be large things. Just identify five actions that will get you closer to your goal and do them. Perhaps you follow-up with five sales presentations you have made. Maybe you eat three healthy meals and two nutritious snacks. Or, you can commit to expressing gratitude to five people during the day.
The tendency might be to put them on the list and hope that you "get to them." That's not enough. You know that if it's just on the list, the tendency will be to do the things that are screaming loudest for your time and attention—the urgent things, the things for other people. Your goal deserves a higher priority. Make those five things the highest priority in your day and set aside protected time on your written schedule to do them. Perhaps even do them first before anything else. Don't go to bed without having completed them. Those small successes towards your goal will infuse your day with enthusiasm, energy, a sense of completion, and positive momentum.
Start the New Year Fresh and if you are wanting a little help in staying on track just give me a call and we will chat.
Do you need a nudge to stay on track to complete the goals you want to achieve? We can work together I will help you clarify your vision and hold you accountable to your goals so you can't procrastinate any longer.
My Love to you
Diane Harrison